Java For Kinect (J4K)

The J4K library is a popular open source Java library that implements a Java binding for the Microsoft’s Kinect SDK. It communicates with a native Windows library, which handles the depth, color, infrared, and skeleton streams of the Kinect using the Java Native Interface (JNI).

The J4K library is compatible with all kinect devices (Kinect for Windows, Kinect for XBOX, new Kinect, or Kinect 2) and allows you to control multiple sensors of any type from a single application, as long as your system capabilities permit. For example you can control three Kinect 1 sensors, or one Kinect 1 and one Kinect 2 connected via USB 3.0 to the same computer. Furthermore, the J4K library contains several convenient Java classes that convert the packed depth frames, skeleton frames, and color frames received by a Kinect sensor into easy-to-use Java objects.



The J4K library is a popular open source Java library that implements a Java binding for the Microsoft’s Kinect SDK. It communicates with a native Windows library, which handles the depth, color, infrared, and skeleton streams of the Kinect using the Java Native Interface (JNI).

The J4K library is compatible with all kinect devices (Kinect for Windows, Kinect for XBOX, new Kinect, or Kinect 2) and allows you to control multiple sensors of any type from a single application, as long as your system capabilities permit. For example you can control three Kinect 1 sensors, or one Kinect 1 and one Kinect 2 connected via USB 3.0 to the same computer. Furthermore, the J4K library contains several convenient Java classes that convert the packed depth frames, skeleton frames, and color frames received by a Kinect sensor into easy-to-use Java objects.

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